Lane on Trump changing course on immigration, NATO: 'Tacit concessions to his critics'

Washington Post opinion writer Charles Lane said Monday on “Special Report with Bret Baier” that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s announcement that, under his immigration policy, those who support hatred or bigotry will not be admitted to the United States was, in a word, ironic.

“This is a guy who, by Paul Ryan's account, made a racist statement about a federal judge based on his Mexican heritage and now is… calling for only admitting people who are free of intolerance. Very interesting,” he said.

Lane added that Trump’s comments in Youngstown, Ohio on immigration and supporting the NATO alliance were “tacit concessions to his critics.”

“The whole thing is revealing in it is backtracking. He is backtracking on the original Muslim ban, and now is sort of recasting it as extreme vetting based on values,” Lane said.

“Same as NATO, which he disparaged over and over again, and now he's talking about how great NATO is," Lane added. "He can say what he wants, but all of that is a result of the negative blowback his campaign suffered because of those previous statements.”

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