Krauthammer to Sebelius: 'Say the truth, it's easier to memorize’

Charles Krauthammer said Tuesday that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius would have an easier time recalling claims she made about ObamaCare if she stuck to "the truth."

The Fox News contributor and syndicated columnist made the comments on "Special Report with Bret Baier" after Sebelius said in a recent interview that she didn't know where they got the figure of 7 million for people signing up for ObamaCare.

"Of course, she was the one that said it, among others," he said. "You know, it's an old rule, 'say the truth, it's easier to memorize.'"

Krauthammer also reacted to the latest ObamaCare enrollment numbers released Tuesday by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which said 4 million people have now signed up through the federal and state-based marketplaces since October 1.

"It will usually come out in the middle of the month except when the secretary steps all over herself and makes bad news, so you want to trump it with a nice number, a round number which comes out in the middle of a week," Krauthammer said.

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