Krauthammer on consensus immigration reform: '[Trump] is the man who can do it'

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer said Tuesday on “Special Report with Bret Baier” that if President Trump wants to lead a movement for comprehensive immigration reform, “he is the man who can do it.”

“This is a Nixon to China kind of proposition, a guy who has… been accused of just about everything, talked about, you know, border enforcement with people going around in trucks deporting people,” said Krauthammer. “If this president proposes… when it comes to the DREAMERs, the young people brought here as children, he wants to legalize them, that would be the starting point.”

Krauthammer went on to say a comprehensive immigration reform deal has been “waiting for years and years,” and suggested that, with the urging of the president for a negotiation, Republicans would be willing to concede on a path to legalization for undocumented immigrants if Democrats agree to “airtight, strong border security.”

“That means not just a fence or a wall or border security at the border, but things like a system to verify citizenship inside the country and a visa tracking program,” he said. “If you get that, you can get a national consensus and put the immigration issue behind us.”