Press Secretary Robert Gibbs got into the Dunking Booth tonight before the annual picnic for members of Congress and their families, which this year has turned into a Hawaiian luau. My colleague Wendell Goler pushed for reporters to get a few shots at the Press Secretary. When Gibbs allowed it, Wendell selected me to be his "designated thrower."

I took three shots. Two were close. The third went over the top.

Fortunately, I was not the only media representative throwing. My colleague Ben Feller from the Associated Press on his third try hit the target sending Gibbs plunging into the water on the South Lawn of the White House. Then Bill Plante from CBS stepped up, and in one shot, hit the target, sending Gibbs into the water again.

Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun-Times was the only female member of the press corps to throw. Like me, she missed too.

For the record, Robert Gibbs was a very good sport. Since he agreed to do it, members of the White House Correspondents Association plan to donate voluntary contributions to the Capital Area Food Bank.

My apologies to all for missing my opportunity to dunk the Press Secretary!

Check out some of the action for yourself below...

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