Got Swag? The craziest 2016 campaign gear you can buy

With more than 20 candidates on the presidential field right now, campaigns are doing whatever it takes to raise money, win followers -- and get noticed. And in the niche market of campaign merchandise, that means bizarre is better.

The campaigns, to be sure, are offering the run-of-the-mill bumper stickers and T-shirts to supporters who want to fly the flag of their candidate of choice. But the campaigns also are selling an array of unusual knick-knacks, ranging from the cheap to the outrageously expensive.

Here are some of the more colorful examples from the campaign stores of 2016 contenders:


Donald Trump

The highlight of the Trump store has to be the campaign cap -- sported by the candidate himself on a recent trip to the border with Mexico. It's labeled as a "best seller."

The campaign is offering up “Make America Great Again!” pom poms, for $12.50.

But if the real estate mogul’s campaign wasn’t loud enough for you already, Trump is giving supporters the opportunity to make it even louder with their very own mini-megaphone ($8).

And to really complete the package, the campaign is offering up “Make America Great Again!” pom poms, for $12.50. "Give me a T."


Jeb Bush

The Bush campaign is selling a $75 “Guaca Bowle.”

The younger Bush brother has very publicly been reaching out to the Hispanic community as part of his presidential campaign. He took his embrace of the culture to another level by selling a $75 “Guaca Bowle.” However, as the website apologetically points out, “Jeb’s secret guacamole recipe not included…yet.” We can only hope.

Bush's campaign store is also selling a vintage tank top ($20).

The campaign store is also selling a vintage tank top ($20). The emblazoned image is of the former Florida governor – sporting what the site describes as “a sideburn-mustache combo that would make Burt Reynolds blush.” It's an unlikely addition to the retro chic style of clothing. Urban Outfitters beware.

Meanwhile, to those upset at the shots being taken at the Bush family by other candidates, you can pick up a shirt ($25) with a quote from Jeb defending his father, in which he says Bush 41 "is the greatest man I've ever known" and if you don't agree "we can step outside."


Rand Paul

The outspoken Kentucky senator may be struggling in the polls, but Paul's store has a plethora of merchandise for the loyal Paul supporter – though some cost a pretty penny. But who said liberty was cheap?

The priciest item in all the stores came from the Paul camp – a copy of the Constitution, signed by the Kentucky senator, for $1,000.

The priciest item in all the candidates' stores came from the Paul camp – a copy of the Constitution, signed by the Kentucky senator, for $1,000.

Hillary Clinton’s "hard drive," referring to the email scandal currently plaguing the Democratic frontrunner, is for sale for just under $100.

On a budget? Then why not try a signed eye chart – Paul is an eye doctor – which will only set you back $500.

"Grill-ary Clinton" apron ($20), complete with catchphrase “amirite?”

The less expensive items, though, are the cheekier ones. Hillary Clinton’s "hard drive," referring to the email scandal currently plaguing the Democratic frontrunner, is for sale for just under $100. Don’t worry, says the Paul camp, it comes completely wiped clean ...

And then there's the Rand Paul "NSA Spy Cam Blocker" for your computer's webcam. Plastic privacy at last.


Hillary Clinton

The Clinton pantsuit …T-shirt ($30).

Speaking of the former secretary of state, the Clinton campaign has its own set of merch for Hillary backers, with one of the largest campaign stores out there.

The former Arkansas governor gets in on the act with a comic-book style T-shirt, labeled “Defeat the Clinton machine” ($19).

Having a summer BBQ? Why not show support for the former first lady with a "Grill-ary Clinton" apron ($20), complete with young person’s catchphrase “amirite?”

And to help that hot dog go down, the store is selling a “Chill-ary Clinton” koozie pack ($10) for the beverage. Don’t fear young people, it still has the “amirite” in there, to keep your street cred hotter than your drink.

Like other candidates, the Clinton camp isn’t above a bit of self-mockery, so behold – the Clinton pantsuit …T-shirt ($30).


Mike Huckabee

The Texas senator takes a tongue-in-cheek swipe at his right-wing credentials with a bumper sticker that says “This vehicle makes right turns only” ($10).

The former Arkansas governor gets in on the act with a comic-book style T-shirt, labeled  “Defeat the Clinton machine” ($19).


Ted Cruz

The Texas senator takes a tongue-in-cheek swipe at his right-wing credentials with a bumper sticker that says “This vehicle makes right turns only” ($10).


Scott Walker

Finally, the Wisconsin governor gets in on Rand Paul’s act of selling signed items, selling signed yard signs for a relatively reasonable $75 a pop.

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