Gingrich Staffer Jumps Ship For Potential Perry Bid

Well-known in Iowa Republican political circles, attorney Craig Schoenfeld has signed on with Americans for Rick Perry, the 527 group publically urging the Texas governor to run for president.

"They sought me out," Schoenfeld tells Fox News.

Until recently, Schoenfeld was a Newt Gingrich backer but was part of the en-masse resignations from the former Speaker of the House's presidential campaign last month.

Perry is still about a month away from announcing his decision, and like many of the people hoping he gets in, Schoenfeld thinks Perry has a potential advantage in showcasing Texas' economic and job gains during the recession.

"He's an interesting prospect and we're waiting on what may transpire in the next couple weeks," says Schoenfeld.

Americans for Rick Perry has inquired about vendor space at the Iowa GOP Straw Poll in August. Asked what a pro-Perry effort might look like at the event, Schoefeld said he doesn't know, "Those discussions are being made at the 20,000 foot level."

But at least for now, the surrogate campaign for the Texas governor has a pair of boots on the ground in Iowa.