First Republican Presidential Debate of 2012 Set -- for Spring 2011

It seems like just a week ago that voters were going to the polls for the midterm election, but the 2012 election season is already set to get in swing.

The Reagan Presidential Library and Museum announced Thursday that it will host the first two Republican presidential debates of the 2012 election cycle, starting in spring 2011. The second GOP debate will be on the eve of the Super Tuesday primaries.

NBC News and Politico newspaper will partner in the first debate, which could involve a dozen candidates or more.

"Ronnie would be thrilled that the road to the White House will begin at his Presidential Library," former first lady Nancy Reagan said. "I look forward to welcoming and watching the top candidates debate the issues next spring."

The library hosted two debates in the 2008 election cycle, including the first of the election cycle.

Already several potential candidates, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, South Dakota Sen. John Thune and Govs. Haley Barbour of Mississippi, Mitch Daniels of Indiana and Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, have been suggested as Republican contenders.

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