Did Texas official use taxpayer-billed trip to get 'Jesus Shot' treatment?

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller (Texas Department of Agriculture) (Alex Labry Photographer)

The top Texas agriculture official reportedly is facing questions over whether he used a taxpayer-billed trip to Oklahoma to receive a controversial medical procedure known simply as the “Jesus Shot” – which is supposed to cure pain for life.

The Houston Chronicle reported on the strange details surrounding the trip that state Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller took last year to Oklahoma City. While he said at the time it was to tour the Oklahoma National Stockyards and meet with lawmakers, Oklahoma officials described his February 2015 visit as a surprise.

Rather, sources told the Chronicle that Miller said he got a medical procedure while in the state. Connecting some dots, the newspaper noted Miller, who suffers chronic pain, already has acknowledged he received the “Jesus Shot” at some point – and while he hasn’t said he did so during that trip, the newspaper reports the only doctor who administers it is in the Oklahoma City area.


Miller’s office declined to comment when reached by FoxNews.com.

He apparently insists the trip was for business and served the taxpayers, while declining to confirm or deny whether he got the shot during the same February 2015 trip. But a spokeswoman told the Chronicle that Miller is now reimbursing the state for the cost "out of an abundance of caution.”

The official originally had billed taxpayers at least $1,120 for the trip, according to the report.

He even posted a picture on Facebook of him with lawmakers in an office in the Oklahoma state Capitol. The Houston Chronicle reported, though, that Miller’s visit at the Capitol was very brief. Lawmakers said the meeting was more of a casual conversation in the hallway.

While Miller won’t say when exactly he got the injection in question, he insists he used his own private money.

The shot, which is legal, is administered by Dr. John Michael Lonergan, and reportedly contains a combination of drugs used to treat inflammation.

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