Department of Ed website for kids removes Mao Zedong quote

A U.S. Department of Education website pulled a quote from communist leader Mao Zedong off a page geared toward children after it sparked a social media firestorm Friday. reports that the quote appeared on the “Kids’ Zone” website of the National Center for Education Statistics.

"Our attitude towards ourselves should be ‘to be satiable in learning’ and towards others ‘to be tireless in teaching," the quote reportedly read.

The quote from China's former leader appeared on the webpage's “Quote of the Day” section, according to

The quote was reportedly removed and replaced by an Abraham Lincoln quote after screenshots of the webpage were circulated on Twitter.

The "Quote of the Day" section vanished from the website later in the day, according to the report.

The Department of Education did not immediately respond to a request for comment from

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