Dems reportedly wooing stars to their Philly convention in effort to spice it up

Lin-Manuel Miranda during a performance of "Hamilton," in New York.

Democrats are hoping “Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda will make a house call in July, POLITICO reports.

They are reaching out to him in the hope that he will perform at their national presidential convention in Philadelphia in July, the news outlet said, citing unnamed sources.

It’s all part of the Democrats’ desire to stir up excitement over the convention, where Hillary Clinton is expected to officially become the presidential nominee.

One key reason for the ambitious move (Manuel is in demand these days), the news outlet says, is the belief that the Republican National Convention, which precedes the Democratic one in July, will be a tough act to follow.

First, the RNC convention in Cleveland the week of July 18 will feature none other than the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, Donald Trump, who attracts cameras and crowds with, among other things, intrigue over what he will say next and what drama will unfold around him.

Then there is, at the moment at least, expectation that Trump’s nomination will not occur amicably, given the strong opposition within the party to the real estate mogul being the GOP standard-bearer.

Finally, the wooing of Miranda is depicted in POLITICO as an attempt to attract younger voters who were “feeling the Bern,” as is commonly said of people who favor Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

The Democrats also hope to excite black and Latino voters enough to spur them to go out in huge numbers to vote in the November general election.

But will Miranda make it to the convention?

It seems he has other plans for the week of the Democratic convention, POLITICO notes.

He is scheduled to film a Disney remake of “Mary Poppins” in London while the convention is taking place.

The Broadway star’s father, Luis Miranda Jr., debunked the rumors that his son was being wooed in connection to the Democratic convention.

“There is no truth to these rumors,” POLITICO quoted the father as saying.

The news outlet added that neither the Clinton campaign and nor DNC would provide a comment.

“The nights are three-hour prime-time TV shows,” said public relations executive Ken Sunshine to POLITICO.

Sunshine, a Clinton fundraiser, added: “Entertainment and adding excitement become a key part of it, as opposed to hard-core politics. The one that understands that is Trump, except that’s all he seems to understand.”

Other possible stars who could appear at the convention, POLITICO said, include singers Christina Aguilera and Demi Lovato, who have performed at Clinton campaign events.

“Good entertainment doesn’t have to appeal to the lowest level of expression,” said Sunshine. “Great art and humor can be inspirational, uplifting, can celebrate our diversity instead of cheap laughs at the expense of other Americans.”

Brent Colburn, Obama’s 2012 convention communications director, raised questions about the true enduring value of Hollywood razzle dazzle at conventions.

“You could have the entire cast of ‘Hamilton’ singing the entire four days,” he said to POLITICO, “but you have to ask yourself what that gets you besides really great television. Ratings aren’t the measure of success, votes are.”

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