Cruz camp responds to Rubio Photoshop flap, brushes off criticism

Sen. Ted Cruz’s national spokesman Rick Tyler doubled-down on Friday following accusations that the campaign Photoshopped an image of Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and President Obama.

“Every picture in a political campaign is Photoshopped,” Tyler told Fox News. “It is absolutely true.”

When pressed repeatedly by host Martha McCallum about why the campaign Photoshopped a picture of Rubio and Obama shaking hands in a picture on a website produced by the Cruz campaign, Tyler instead took aim at Rubio’s record.

“Marco Rubio and Barack Obama have shaken hands. There are plenty of photos of him shaking hands,” he said. “If they don’t like the picture we picked, then send me a picture they like of Marco Rubio shaking hands with Barack Obama and we’ll swap it out.”

The website, which features other digitally altered images of the Florida senator, offers visitors the chance to take a “stand against Rubio,” with a link to Ted Cruz’s get-out-the-vote site.

"This is a disturbing pattern, they are making stuff up every day," Rubio told reporters Thursday.

Rubio senior advisor Todd Harris said the body shown in the image in question is "not Rubio."

“This person, we don’t know who that is, but they Photoshopped Marco’s face onto somebody else. This is how phony and how deceitful the Cruz campaign has become.”

The campaign says the original image, apparently reversed, was from a stock photograph.

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