Congressional Calendar May 5, 2010

Terrorism and homeland security knock financial regulatory overhaul legislation out of the top news slot Wednesday. The Senate Homeland Security Committee starts the day at 10:00a with a hearing on “Terrorists and Guns: The Nature of the Threat and Proposed Reforms.” New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Chief Raymond Kelly will help the committee examine ways to prevent terrorists from using firearms to attack the United States.

High profile Defense Department officials come to the Hill to talk about developments at home and abroad. The House Armed Services Committee discusses developments in security and stability in Afghanistan with Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Michele Flournoy and Lt. General John Paxton Jr, the Director of Strategic Plans and Policy for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In a closed-door session, Gen. David Petraeus meets with a defense spending subcommittee. We’ll be staking out the hearing to see what we can learn from the Centcom chief and committee members.

Just because it’s moved further down the page doesn’t mean it’s gone. The Senate resumes consideration of the financial regulatory overhaul bill at 9:30a. Later in the day Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) hold a press conference on the pending legislation at 11:30a.

House Democratic and Republican leadership host dueling press conferences in the morning. The Republicans get it started at 10:00a; Democrats have their rebuttal at 11:00a.

Wednesday is going to be another long day on the Hill, and we’ll be working as many angles as we can so stay tuned to Fox News for the latest…