Congressional Calendar March 24, 2010


Day two of the Senate’s work on the reconciliation bill gets underway Wednesday. If you like Senate floor speeches as much as the Fox News Capitol Hill team does, you will be a very happy camper. If not… well there are some other events happening up here too.

Senate Democrats have an event planned for 11:15a to sell their plan to pass the pending health care corrections bill through reconciliation rules. They’ll be making their case to senior citizens, who they say will benefit from the bill’s provision to close the “donut hole” in the Medicare prescription drug benefit program.

The military and civilian heads of the Department of Defense Admiral Michael Mullen and Defense Secretary Robert Gates testify before the House Appropriations Committee at 9:30a on the Defense Department budget. According to House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), the fiscal year 2011 budget is a top legislative priority once Congress returns from is recess for Easter and Passover.

The health care debate is still very fluid in the Senate, and more news will break throughout the day. Stay tuned to Fox News for the latest…