Congressional Calendar January 29, 2010

Capitol Hill will be pretty quiet but there will still be plenty of news from members of Congress.

House Republicans have a VIP guest stopping by their annual retreat; President Barack Obama will address the caucus around 12:00p. Fox News will bring you those remarks live. After prepared remarks, there will be a question and answer session with the President and the Representatives. Unfortunately for us those remarks will be closed press.

However, we’ll be staking out members afterwards to find out what happened once the doors shut. They’ll have plenty to talk about from Wednesday’s State of the Union address, and they’ll also have the opportunity to talk about the President’s new jobs agenda, as he will be visiting a local business earlier in the day to discuss his “Small Business Jobs and Wages Tax Cut.” Will the Republicans think it can help to turn the economy around?

More events will arise during the day so be sure to stay tuned to the Fox News Channel for the latest developments…