Clinton vs. Obama: Who's the Best on the Campaign Trail?

Former President Bill Clinton with President Barack Obama in New York Sept. 23, 2010 (AP)

With just weeks to go until the critical mid-term elections Democrats are putting the big guns out on the campaign trail. President Obama and former President Clinton are making the rounds at rallies and fundraisers, aiming to invigorate a voting base that needs a dose of inspiration to compete with GOP rivals who's supporters are promising to take back the power in Congress.

Both men are charismatic, known for their campaigning prowess, but with President Obama's approval ratings at an all time low Democratic strategist Mary Ann Marsh says it's Clinton who makes the best voice on the trail to sell the Democrat's plan for economic recovery.

"I think no doubt there's a great love for Bill Clinton and he brings out the crowds and Democrats still love him and he is the most credible voice the Democrats have right now," argued Marsh. "Barack Obama still can do many things to help Democrats. He can raise money, he can make speeches, he can change the news cycles but, at the end of the day it's going to be up to the individual Democrats to make the case, to make the argument and force voters to make a choice between the Democrat, and what they've been doing to try to put America and the country back on track and what the Republicans say they're going to do which is nothing."

Marsh says both Obama and Clinton are selling the same fundamentals; Clinton simply has history to back up his words.

"The arguments are pretty similar although I think Bill Clinton makes it most effectively but the biggest difference between Bill Clinton and Barack Obama is Bill Clinton has already done it. Barack Obama is trying to do it," said Marsh.

With thousands waiting to hear Clinton speak in Taunton, Massachusetts it was easy to find people who have long held an appreciation for the former President's brand of charm.

"Nobody, other than maybe JFK, in my time was any more charismatic than Bill Clinton. He catches everybody no matter where you're from," said Bud Andrew who was sporting a Patriots themed ball cap and lamenting that the game was on at the same time as the rally. Still, he said he'd be there if the headliner was Obama and sympathized with the challenges today's top leader is facing.

"There's probably not a worse time in history almost other than world wars with all that's going on in the economy, the situation, so many things with the war and the whole world... it's a tough time to be a politician," said Andrew.

Even on the campaign trail, President Obama seems to receive a hesitant welcome. In Connecticut, earlier this month, Senate candidate Attorney General Richard Blumenthal was quick to establish his independence saying "I know Mr. President we're going to agree and I expect on some occasions we may disagree."

"Clinton's going to be on the road constantly between now and election day. He is a huge draw and he doesn't have the negative reaction that Barack Obama is going to attract with some people," said Tobe Berkovitz, Communications Professor at Boston University. Berkovitz was quick to point out Obama still has pull but his influence is tempered by additional challenges.

"President Obama is the number one draw but he's carrying tons of baggage. Bill Clinton has dumped all of his baggage and he's the star now. He is a global, number one politician," said Berkovitz.

With analysts widely predicting a banner year for Republican candidates it's unclear whether either president, current or former, can help close the enthusiasm gap. Polls show GOP supporters are motivated and energized. Democrats face the challenge of getting the party faithful to the ballot box and winning independents in a climate where Republicans have seized the momentum.