Carson: CNBC 'obviously had an agenda,' 'gotcha setup'

Appearing on "The Kelly File" after the GOP debate, Ben Carson ripped into the CNBC trio of moderators, telling Fox News' Megyn Kelly that they "obviously had an agenda," adding that "clearly it was a gotcha setup."

"They obviously had an agenda, and when I compared them to the kind of questions that were asked of the Democrats in their debate, the difference is night and day," Carson told Kelly. "But the thing that was really encouraging to me is that the audience was able to pick up on the bias and they were able to act accordingly, and I hope some of the media started to recognize this."

"[A]s you know, I have been quite critical of the media. They have their own agenda," Carson added. "They try to formulate the opinions of the people, and I think the people are getting sick and tired of it. I know I am."

The former neurosurgeon continued with his critiquie of the moderators' questioning, adding that he wasn't even sure many people were tuning in.