California House Race Rattled by Death of Candidate's Mom

In this Oct. 17,1997 file photo Ramona Hahn, wife of the late supervisor Kenneth Hahn flanked by her son Jim, left and daughter, Janice, during a memorial service for her husband at the Crenshaw Christian Center in Los Angeles. Ramona Hahn, the matriarch of a Los Angeles political family, has died at 86. Hahn was the wife of the late Los Angeles County Supervisor Kenneth Hahn, and the mother of former Mayor James Hahn and City Councilwoman Janice Hahn. (AP)

Democrat Janice Hahn's campaign says plans to get voters to the polls Tuesday won't be affected by the death of the candidate's mother.

Hahn is in a combative U.S. House contest with Republican Craig Huey in the 36th District, and she was planning a hectic final day of campaigning Monday.

But she abruptly suspended her schedule to join her grieving family.

Hahn and her brother, former Los Angeles Mayor James Hahn, said in a statement they were devastated by the death of 86-year-old Ramona Hahn.

The unexpected death saddened campaign staffers, who were adjusting the candidate's election-day schedule around time she would need with her family.

But they insisted the campaign's long-set plans to get voters to the polls Tuesday would not be slowed.

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