Butler, Georgetown's rival mascots unite for positive political message

Butler and Georgetown universities are trying to bring a message of political unity -- and a little levity -- to the often vitriolic election cycle with a video featuring the schools’ bulldog mascots teaming up to run for the White House.

Bulter spokesman Michael Kaltenmark said Saturday the video doesn’t attempt to make a joke of the hotly-contested 2016 White House race, “just bring a little levity to the (sometimes) tumultuous situations.”

The video features Butler’s Blue III and Georgetown’s Jack walking leg-and-leg past some of the most icon landmarks in the nation’s capital --include the Washington Monument, Capitol Hill and the Lincoln Memorial.

“America, you deserve better,” the narrator says during the roughly 3-minute video. “You’re tired of the same old politics. You’ve seen the attack ads. … Your concerns have been heard. … It’s time to elect America’s best hope, America’s best friend ... .The Canine Party ticket, making a run from the dog house to the White House.”

Kaltenmark said the schools -- Big East rivals that failed to make the finals of the conference’s basketball tournament this weekend -- usually make a video before they play, but this year they started talking about one with a 2016 political theme.

“The timing was right,” he said.

Kaltenmark also pointed out the bulldogs have education high on their political agenda and that the video attempts to show Americans that Blue III and Jack are fierce rivals but can still “cross the aisle” to work together.