Bush campaign re-deploying majority of its staff

FILE: Feb. 26, 2013: Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, R, at a Texas Business Leadership Council event, Austin, Texas. (AP)

Jeb Bush's underdog presidential campaign is re-deploying the majority of its staff from Miami headquarters to the four early voting states, with an increased push on New Hampshire-- a must-win state for the former Florida governor.

According to two senior Bush aides, the campaign is also cutting all the $3 million worth of reserved ad time in Iowa and South Carolina for this major overhaul in its ground game efforts.

Bush, once leading in New Hampshire, is currently in sixth place with 7.8%, according to a Real Clear Politics average of recent polls.

“The campaign is building the best national ground game and infrastructure in the field, one that will allow us to  be successful in the long run doing what serious, national campaigns must do to be competitive in the primary and general elections," Allie Brandenburger, spokesperson for Jeb Bush, told Fox News.

“Today, given the fluid race and the spending decisions by outside groups, we are making strategic adjustments with our resources to ensure we are in the most competitive position possible.

“We are excited about the massive Jeb army that will be spreading his message to voters on the ground in the February states and beyond.”

In all, approximately 60 campaign staffers are being sent to Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada --- with the largest group, about 20, going to the Granite state, according to the campaign.

With the move to deplete advertising funds for the two early states of Iowa and South Carolina, the Bush team is relying on the Bush super PAC, Right to Rise USA, for pro-Bush advertising.

By law, the campaign and super PAC cannot directly coordinate but the PAC has been increasing its multi-million dollar ad output, including a 30-second Iowa ad released Tuesday that attacked Bush rival, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, for missed Senate votes.

Right to Rise USA is preparing to unleash nearly $20 million in ads in the next week.

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