Bachman Close To Covering Iowa by Assigning Campaign Reps in all 99 Counties

Is Michele Bachmann putting the band back together in Iowa?

After a victory in the Iowa Straw Poll in August and her subsequent plunge in state voter surveys, the Minnesota Congresswoman was written off by some political observers. But, away from the debate stages and national TV appearances, Bachmann's Iowa campaign may be close to a significant first...first to have a campaign chair in each of Iowa 99 counties.

"We're getting close to that goal. We're well, well, well on our way to that. We've got a solid majority (of Iowa Counties)," says Iowa Campaign Manager Eric Woolson.

Having a campaign chair in every county is a traditional hallmark of successful Iowa campaigns.

One of the first achievements of Governor Terry Brandstad's successful 2010 campaign was an active campaign organization in every Iowa county.

Recently, a spate of articles cast doubt on whether any Republican presidential campaign would be able to build out an effective campaign apparatus for the labor-intensive effort of a state-wide caucus in better than 1,700 locations.

Ninety-nine county chairs symbolizes the kind of reach necessary to compete and win in the Iowa Caucuses. Bachmann's campaign indicates that are closing on that goal.

"That's the hope. We are working on that," says national campaign spokeswoman Alice Stewart.

A source tells Fox News that an announcement by Team Bachmann is expected "before Christmas."