Aurora Survivor Demands Plan on Gun Violence in Colorado Debate

A new bipartisan ad demanding a plan from the 2012 presidential candidates to stop gun violence features Stephen Barton, who survived the shooting massacre this summer at a Colorado movie theater.

The Demand a Plan ad is set to air nationally during the presidential debate Wednesday in Denver and is led by shooting survivors and the Mayors Against Illegal Guns group.

Barton was shot in the face and neck while attending a midnight screening of "The Dark Night" at a movie theater in Aurora. The shooter, James Holmes, killed 12 people and wounded 58 others.

In the ad, Barton delivers his demand sitting in an empty movie theater.

"So when you watch the presidential debates, ask yourself: Who has a plan to stop gun violence? Let's demand a plan," Barton says.

For debate viewers unfamiliar with Colorado geography, the presidential candidates will be debating about 10 miles from the Cinemark movie theater where the mass shooting occurred in July.

As commander in chief, President Obama has not pushed for gun control measures yet he has voiced support for renewed ban on assault-type weapons. Obama's said at the National Urban League Convention days after the shooting: "I believe the majority of gun owners would agree that we should do everything possible to prevent criminals and fugitives from purchasing weapons."

As governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney signed a state ban on assault weapons in 2004. In the presidential primary debate in December 2011, Romney said, " I've been pro-gun and continue to be pro-gun."

In addition to this ad, the Brady Campaign released a letter today to Jim Lehrer, moderator of the debate in Colorado, asking him to ask the candidates about solutions to gun violence.