As Summer Traditionally Ends, The Political Ads in Florida Officially Begin

MIAMI-Labor Day historically signals the official start of the campaign season in Florida, as more voters focus away from their Summer vacations, and concentrate on the Fall elections. Today, two of the three candidates vying for the Senate slot in the Sunshine state, released their first TV ads of the general election. Both ads seek run to the left, or center, of Republican Marco Rubio---who in recent polls is leading the 3 way race--- and establish themselves as the main alternative to the conservative candidate.

Governor Charlie Crist, who left the GOP to run without a party in April, touts his independent status in his new ad " Best of Both".

"Washington needs to stop all the finger pointing and focus on our common goals of fixing the economy, creating jobs, helping the middle class.," Crist says in the highly-produced, and effective TV commericial. "As an independent, I will take the best ideas of Democrats and Republicans to get things done."

In the spot, Crist literally takes letters from the words " Republicans" and 'Democrats" and reshuffles them so they spell "Americans".

"Because at the end of the day, there's only one party I work for. I'm Charlie Crist, an independent, and I approve this message, " Crist concludes.

Watch Crist AD

Democrat Kendrick Meek, kicked-off his own ad buy with his new piece, " Only One", that emphasizes his Democratic credentials as a U.S. Congressman . Meek has been showcasing his Democratic background in an effort to stave off Crist's attempted strategy to appeal to Florida Democrats.

"I'm Kendrick Meek, the Democrat for Senate, and with three of us running, I thought you should know what makes me different." Meek says in the colorful new ad that lists an array of his Democratic policy positions at an array of places around Florida, including the Everglades.

"I'm the only one who's fought against developers draining the Everglades! The only one against drilling and after the BP spill. The only one against privatizing Social Security, "Meek says on a bus with cheering senior citizens, a crucial voting bloc in Florida." The only one who's pro-choice. Who took on George Bush."

Watch Meek AD

Rubio released his first general election ad, the day after he officially won the GOP primary a couple weeks ago. The piece titled, "Dream" revolved around the hardships that his parents, Cuban refugees, had to endure to pursue the American dream and create a stable family foundation for Rubio, and his siblings. Rubio's father, Mario, who battled lung cancer, passed away over the Labor Day weekend. He was 83 years old.

Watch Rubio AD