Approx 1,000 Protestors Gather Outside Capitol During Health Care Votes

Kill the Bill Protesters

There are about 1,000 people outside the South entrance to the United States Capitol who have gathered to loudly voice their objections to the health care bill that is now on House floor for a vote.

Many of the protestors are holding signs or flags (at least a dozen of the "Don't Tread on Me" variety) and every few minutes they break out into chants like "Kill the Bill" and "Just say no" or singing of "The National Anthem."

On several occasions they've been encouraged to chant louder by members of Congress including Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., who really got the crowd going by using a microphone attached to a megaphone and announced that he is going to vote "Hell No!"

While most of the lawmakers who've been coming out to check out the crowd have been Republicans, some Democrats have been spotted too.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, stood on a balcony just a few feet from and above the crowd.  She was talking with some of the ralliers who were closest to her and was smiling the entire time.

Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., stepped onto  the second floor balcony to take a look. After a few moments the crowd started to notice him and loud chants of "BARNEY" "BARNEY!"

A bit earlier someone spotted Rep Anthony Weiner, D-NY, and the crowd started to turn their focus on the ardent health care supporter. He seemed bemused by the attention but left soon after given a chance to pick up the microphone and answer questions.

About 100 yards away is a much smaller pro-health care reform rally.