39 new American citizens naturalized at Baltimore Independence Day ceremony

Thirty-nine people from countries as nearby as Canada and as far away as India became United States citizens on Independence Day in a special ceremony in Baltimore.

Representing 26 countries, the 39 men and women appeared joyful as they recited the Oath of Allegiance Friday morning, the Baltimore Sun reported.

Isle Argueta, 24, said that becoming a citizen is “an exciting new beginning” for the Guatamalan immigrant who has lived more than half her life in the United States.

Argueta told the Sun that Independence Day is one of her favorite holidays. She said she even looks forward to serving on jury duty now that she is a naturalized citizen.

Argueta and the other new citizens held American flags as they swore allegiance to the United States.

“America has been very good to me,” Canadian native Heather Harris told the Sun.

Harris said she is excited to get involved in the 2016 election process.

“We may be getting a woman in the White House and I want to cast a ballot,” she said.

“I will have a better future, and my kids will have a better future,” Ramachandram Badugu, 45, a professor originally from India, told the paper.

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