Who buys this stuff? The sorry state of girls' Halloween costumes

I have a ten year old daughter who is also very tall — the tallest kid in her fourth grade class. Getting Halloween costumes each year is bad enough because the kid sizes are inevitably too small and the adult costumes are often too big.

But whether we look for her costume in a kid sized outfit or an adult sized outfit, there is now another problem completely.  Unless she wants to go as a ghost completely enveloped in a formless sheet, most American Halloween costumes would have her dressed up as a prostitute. We might as well call kids in these outfits prosti-tots.

My daughter, for example, wanted the Black Widow costume, from the Marvel series. First, though I do not consider myself a feminist, I do have to agree that the lack of super hero costumes and action figures for girls is ridiculous.  Even the Black Widow costumes we found did not have nearly any of the cool accessories the boys’ costume had. But what they did have was low cut, cleavage bearing designs even for kids.

Culture is over sexualized enough without us putting our elementary and middle school daughters in outfits that make them look like a Hollywood version of a cheap hooker in Times Square.

God help you if your child wants to go as a nurse. That outfit comes with a video camera and a contract to an adult film studio.  The “Skeleton Sweetie Girl” is a revealing mini-skirt as is the “Mischievous Witch,” which also comes with stilettos or faux leather boots.

Who dresses their kids in these outfits? Culture is over sexualized enough without us putting our elementary and middle school daughters in outfits that make them look like a Hollywood version of a cheap hooker in Times Square.

I have a friend who is getting married. He and his fiancee are already fretting about having kids and raising them in our present culture.  I tell them they should have lots of kids, but get lots of shotguns too. Then move out to the country and raise them like they are on Little House on a Prairie. Cancel the television subscription, turn off culture, and make sure your kids, particularly your daughters, understand that having their butts hanging out of the backsides of their clothes is not acceptable.

We found a Black Widow costume for my ten-year-old. Luckily my wife sews and was able to get it in appropriate form. Given the neighborhood we live in, we will see more than a thousand trick-or-treaters show up next week. Now that I’ve hit forty, I might just sit on the front porch and ask the girls dressed up like prostitots if their parents know. Sadly, I suspect most of them do.

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