What really matters to women voters?

A recent Politico article declared unmarried women the key to the 2014 election. Fox News' Andrea Tantaros tackled the topic on "Trending With Tantaros."

"What do you think most women wake up thinking about?" Tantaros asked. "I happen to think it's, 'how do we pay the bills?'"

According to a Fox News Poll, 49 percent of women voters said the economy and jobs are the most important things for Congress and the White House to work on right now. Health care followed with 15 percent.

"If you look at the health care cost for self-paid women on average, they've gone up 62 percent," said Lee Carter, a partner at Maslansky + Partners. "This 'War on Women,' it's clever, it's a way to get women excited and engaged, but the truth of the matter is Republicans care about the same issues."

Women voters have traditionally leaned toward Democratic candidates. Politico argues this is due to "being on their own, vulnerable economically, at a time when jobs that pay enough to live on are very scarce."

"We're sort of waking up to the idea that women care about economic issues and it's not just we have these emotional social justice issues," said Jessica Ehrlich, a Democratic strategist. "I think for as long as I know people have cared about pocketbook issues."

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