Press plays 'gotcha' with Trump and Carson over Muslim comments

The Mainstream Media is waging a journalistic jihad on Republicans.

While the rest of the country is concerned about the economy and border security and the war on terror, reporters have been lobbing gotcha bombs at Republican candidates Donald Trump and Ben Carson.

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This media-generated dustup over Islam is nonsense, of course. So kudos to Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal for his reaction to the gotcha game.

Dr. Carson is under fire because he doesn’t believe a Muslim should be president.

“I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation,” Carson told NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

He told “The Hill” that the next president should be “sworn in on a stack of Bibles, not a Koran.”

“I do not believe Sharia is consistent with the Constitution of this country,” the retired neurosurgeon declared.

Well, right or wrong, that’s his opinion.

I tend to believe he’s correct. We are a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values – not Islamic.

Mr. Trump, meanwhile, is facing criticism for something he did not say.

He fielded a question from a man who said President Obama is a Muslim. The media immediately pounced on Trump for not rebuking the man.

“Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad or controversial about him?” Trump asked. “I don’t think so!”

This media-generated dustup over Islam is nonsense, of course. So kudos to Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal for his reaction to the gotcha game.

“If you can find me a Muslim candidate who is a Republican, who will fight hard to protect religious liberty, who will respect the Judeo-Christian heritage of America, who will be committed to destroying ISIS and radical Islam, who will condemn cultures that treat women as second class citizens and who will place their hand on the Bible and swear to uphold the Constitution, then yes, I will be happy to consider voting for him or her,” Jindal said in a statement.

President Obama once described the Muslim call to prayer as one of the prettiest sounds on Earth.

And that's OK -- that's his opinion.

For me one of the prettiest sounds on Earth is a gospel choir singing Amazing Grace at a Billy Graham Crusade.

But the Mainstream Media would have you believe that makes me Islamophobic.

The truth is I'm more than happy to fellowship with folks from any religion -- so long as they don't want to blow me up -- or chop my head off.

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