Pastor Abedini released by Iran: 'An answer to prayer'

It’s a day that we had hoped and prayed would arrive.

American Pastor Saeed Abedini – along with three other Americans – was released from an Iranian prison Saturday – freed after spending more than three years in Iran’s most brutal prison.

When Pastor Saeed’s wife, Naghmeh, heard the news she told us that her two young children, as you can imagine, were very excited and couldn’t wait to see their dad again.

In Naghmeh’s words: “This has been an answer to prayer. This is a critical time for me and my family. We look forward to Saeed’s return and want to thank the millions of people who have stood with us in prayer during this most difficult time.”

We will no doubt learn more about the details of how all of this unfolded in the days ahead, but right now – as the Abedini family rejoices – I am grateful for the millions of people who signed our petitions and raised their voices of support during Pastor Saeed’s ordeal. To all of them, a very heartfelt thank you.

It has been a privilege for us to represent the Abedini family as we worked in this country and abroad to advocate on behalf of Pastor Saeed.

There will be plenty of time in the days and weeks ahead for analysis and further comment about the release of Pastor Saeed and the three other Americans who were also held in Iran.

But – on this day – the most important headline for us:  Pastor Saeed’s freedom is truly an answer to prayer.

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