Op-Ed: Governor Mitt Romney Gives Hope to Voters on Election Day

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney addresses the crowd at the 134th National Guard Association Convention. (Getty)

Finally, after a seemingly endless campaign season Election Day is here; no more debates, speeches, rallies, commercials, robocalls, and campaign mail. Americans will go to the polls today and make their choice known. America will either choose to stay the course or make a real change.

All the pundits armed with tons of polling data have come to the almost unanimous conclusion that the race is too close to call. A fascinating little known fact dates back to 1980. At that time, the polls showed a similar situation: they were so close that the race was too close to call. It was Reagan vs. Carter and we now know America's decision was anything but close.

In the last few weeks, I have visited Florida, North Carolina and Virginia; just this weekend I was in Ohio, Colorado, and Nevada. To my amazement the people I talked to were in so many different ways saying the same thing-- we are tired.

The small business owner, an unemployed person, a college graduate with no prospects for a job, a veteran, or the mother of three children; they all are ready for a new beginning and it cannot come soon enough. They all have been through a very difficult time. They not only want change; they need it.

I have been involved in five presidential campaigns, I have seen and heard a lot, and yet this time is different. Whether it was the representative at the ticket counter in North Carolina asking me for a Romney button, the crowds giving me high fives as I walked with my Romney T-shirt in Virginia, the airplane passengers giving me a thumbs up as I took my seat at Dulles airport, the amazing crowd in Ohio, where more than 30,000 people endured a frigid night, standing in line for hours to chant four more days, or the dozens of trucks, cars and pickups in Colorado and Nevada as the Romney bus went by; this time it feels different. I sense a deep if veiled desire to get a different person at the White House.

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    America still is an idealistic country; we yearn to live up to our fundamental essence. We are still that blessed place where anyone regardless of where they come from can achieve unimaginable dreams. Our current president is a testament to the great generosity of the American heart. On the other hand, Americans expect promises to be kept. They will hold you accountable for what you said you were going to do. They don't like excuses and frown upon poor results.

    We know what the last four years have been like. For all the promises that were made, Americans are worse off today than when the current president took office. And for whatever economic recovery this administration prides itself in, the people in all the places I visited just don't feel it. Especially the middle income families, who have lost $4,000 of their yearly income; they can’t wait or rather afford another four years. They are just tired.

    They are now willing to give someone else a chance. The difference this time is that they are not merely relying on hope but rather in the calm confidence that comes with someone with the proven background of Governor Mitt Romney.

    In the quiet place of the voting booth, I believe, Americans will give Governor Romney the great opportunity of doing what he knows best, turn around a company, and it certainly will be the biggest company he will ever preside over.

    Wednesday will be morning in America once again, and oh the polls will have proven to be not so close at all.

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