Hillary Clinton won the debate. Democrats' plan for a coronation is on track

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton greets people Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2015, following a campaign stop at the Westfair Amphitheater in Council Bluffs, Iowa. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik)

Thank You, Debbie Wasserman Schultz

I never thought I would say that, but the Chair of the Democratic National Committee deserves the thanks of the American people.  In an effort to ensure Hillary Clinton’s coronation by the Democrats, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has curtailed the number of Democratic debates.

After the performance of the Democrats in Las Vegas Tuesday night, we should be thankful for this. 

Hillary Clinton’s voice was grating. Bernie Sanders yelled at everybody. Jim Webb looked like he was about to smack the other candidates and constantly complained about fairness.  Lincoln Chaffee looked like he had smoked a bag of weed before debating. Martin O’Malley looked presidential, but had no shining moments.

Mrs. Clinton made no terrible missteps. The other candidates rallied to her on the email situation. She had the best command of the stage and played up being a woman.

The Democrats’ plan for a Hillary coronation is going to go ahead as scheduled.  Mrs. Clinton made no terrible missteps.  The other candidates rallied to her on the email situation. She had the best command of the stage and played up being a woman.

Clinton’s dismissiveness of the email situation probably draws Joe Biden into the race.  Her public trust numbers will not benefit from her answers. The latest Fox News poll already shows that Hillary Clinton is performing worse against Republicans than Joe Biden.

But Hillary won the debate. She did not make any missteps, was not thrown off her game, and allowed no other candidate to outshine her. 

The debate, though, was insufferable. 

The candidates disagreed on very little despite the bluster.  They are out of touch with the American people on the email situation, immigration, gun control, climate change, etc.

Their voices were grating, there was a lot of anger on stage for an incumbent party, and none of them were willing to distance themselves from a president whose approval rating is less than fifty percent.  At least, thanks to the Chair of the DNC, we will not have to suffer through very many of these.

I would write more, but am off to stick my leg in a wood chipper to distract myself from the pain of watching those candidates.

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