Gutfeld on Ted Koppel ripping CNN in front of Brian Stelter

There’s nothing more delicious than the truth served cold to someone feasting on a diet of lies.

Here’s Ted Koppel, telling our nation's hall monitor, Brian Stelter, what we already knew.

Koppel: Donald Trump has been very, very good for baseball. He has been wonderful for the industry.

Stelter: If ratings are up that means what?

Koppel: The ratings are up that means you can’t do without Donald Trump. You would be lost without Donald Trump!

Stelter: Ted! You know that’s not true!

Koppel: CNN's ratings would be in the toilet without Donald Trump. 

Stelter: You know that’s not true! You’re playing for laughs!

Wow, I haven't seen Stelter that defensive since Anderson Cooper stole his toupee. But I get it, Koppel hit the artery and Stelter couldn't stop the bleeding or the laughter.

Koppel knows: The media operates on two lies that they'd rather forget.

One: That their effusive coverage of Trump didn't help nominate the guy. Oh but you did, you blubbering fibbers.

Let's not forget: CNN led that charge, under the assumption that Hillary had it won already. Focused only on Trump, knowing their profitable obsession would only hurt Republicans and buy their bosses second and third homes. Whoops.

Two: That somehow Trump has threatened press freedom. Hardly, he's now buying those same executives fourth and fifth homes.

Since Trump, the press has been feverish -- every day's the apocalypse, every critic a fearless hero. To CNN especially, Trump is Ebola and the KKK combined. It's why the "C" in CNN now stands for cartoon and not to belabor the point, but we know how easy the press was under Obama, even as he actually targeted journalists, unlike Trump.

So, yeah: Let's watch that clip again.

Koppel: CNN's ratings would be in the toilet without Donald Trump. 

Stelter: You know that’s not true! You’re playing for laughs!

I wonder if that'll show up on "Reliable Sources."

Adapted from Greg Gutfeld's monologue on "The Five," Oct. 4, 2018.

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