Gretchen's Take: Polls are snap-shots in time

During this presidential election cycle, much has been said about the polls, and whether or not they are the real story about what American’s are really thinking. We have said here on ‘The Real Story’, that they are snap-shots in time -- where a candidate is placing on that particular day -- and of course stating that those numbers can change. Some candidates -- especially those not doing as well in the polls -- have said it important to look back at the same point in time during past election cycles for perspective about how quickly changes can happen. So here are the numbers for January 2016 compared to January 2012 and 2008.

On the GOP side, Trump is on top - Cruz second - Rubio third and so on.

So where were we in 2012? Romney already on top, Gingrich at number two, and Santorum at number three.

In 2008, McCain also already on top -- followed by Huckabee and Guiliani.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton was leading the pack by 8-points with Obama in second place.

That of course didn't end up playing out that way. So, are we done now? Are the poll results how it will actually be? The best thing about politics is that nobody knows.