Does Paul Ryan Look Like a President to You?

For all my pontificating on politics and the meaning of it all, my wife doesn’t share a love of the sport. Folks such as we Ricochetoise sometimes can’t see the forest for the trees, embedded in minutia as we can get. It helps for me to have a real life soccer mom right in the household to get some good old fashioned “regular folk” insight now and again.

This past Sunday I was watching the political talk shows while my wife was reading a magazine. A picture of Paul Ryan came on screen and with exuberance I pointed and said, “There’s Paul Ryan! He needs to be president.”

My wife looked at the TV screen and responded, “No, he doesn’t look like a president.” She looked back at her magazine, having destroyed Ryan’s brilliant career in public service with the indifference of a queen ordering the decapitation of lowly peon.

Voting really is power, isn’t it?

Her words bothered me all day whenever I saw Ryan on television. I’m not sure why. Perhaps it’s the same feeling you get the first time being pulled over by a policeman who is younger than you. Paul Ryan would be the first president younger than me.

That quite naturally makes me contemplate my eventual death. Not a good association.

Tommy De Seno is an attorney and writer. To continue reading his column on, click here.

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