Anthony Weiner Must Resign -- If He Lied About the Small Stuff What Else Is He Hiding?

After taking the media, his constituents and the country on a roller coaster ride that played out in almost daily episodes that ranged from baffling to the bizarre, Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) finally admitted to sending perverted pictures of himself to young women via social media.

“I take responsibility,” he sniffled as he stood at the podium during a press conference on Monday.

Though he apologized for his actions, and shed tears when he referenced his wife, the true to form Weiner indignantly refused to step down from his post in the U.S. House of Representatives—a decision that isn’t likely to last—especially if Weiner’s party has their way. House Minority Leader, realizing the potential for further political damage to her party, has already called for an ethics investigation.

This scandal is not only a distraction for New York, but also for the nation. While his actions weren’t illegal, his behavior is reprehensible. Congressmen and women have the duty to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Weiner embodies it.

Sending these pictures showcased a man that is highly disturbed, one who acts on impulse, ignoring the consequences. Sadly, this isn’t the key reason that Weiner should resign, as many politicians have survived worse.

But let's be clear: the key to the disgust behind the Weiner scandal wasn’t his underpants or bare chest in plain view, it was his intentional deceit. Since Memorial Day weekend we have watched as he argued his innocence with the media and the public. Weiner lied time and again and he did it combatively with those who were simply seeking the truth, going as far as to call the cops on one New York City reporter, Marcia Kramer.

Now it’s the media’s job to do their due diligence and ask: if he lied about the small stuff, should we question his honesty on the big stuff?

Had he came clean from day one this story would have never turned into the circus we’ve witnessed before our eyes. It was the threat of more pictures that scared Weiner into telling the truth, not his desire to do the right thing for his district, his family or his wife.

No, all Weiner could think about was himself. Now he should for once, put his power lust aside and do the right thing. He should resign before causing any further distractions or pressure from his party ensues. After all the puns and funny headlines that this saga has produced, there is one left to say: this weiner is cooked.

Andrea Tantaros is a commentator and Fox News contributor. Follow her on Twitter @andreatantaros.

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