Rep. Gaetz blasts House Democrats' coronavirus legislation

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., blasted House Democrats' coronavirus legislation Thursday, saying "it is as if they are going in the opposite direction."

"Hopefully the agreement that our leadership is talking about does not include just a plus up in every Democrat wish list, a budget item. I don't think that we necessarily have to enhance the SNAP program to be able to ensure that we have testing resources and medical resources in the hands of those frontline medical professionals," Gaetz said on "The Ingraham Angle." "We are not borderless Europe. We are not informationless China."


"And certainly I think you can reflect on the difference between the president doing everything he can to protect our country," Gaetz said. "And then the Democrats literally bringing legislation to the floor this week to limit the authority of the president to have these national security restrictions on travel."

Lawmakers were trying to hash out the details of coronavirus legislation Thursday, in the hope of passing the relief package for families and workers but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the vote was more likely to occur on Friday.

Gaetz said Tuesday that he tested negative for coronavirus, just one day after going into self-quarantine after he learned he and several other congressional leaders had been exposed to a CPAC attendee who tested positive for COVID-19.

The congressman said all the things that are wrong with Washington remain as the country tries to cope with the virus.


"And all of the things wrong with corrupt Washington, with last-minute deals and special interests getting their way, lack of transparency, none of that was removed when we had to deal with the coronavirus," Gaetz said. "So you're seeing the very same things about Washington deals getting woven together at the last minute without debate and review in the light of day, leading to a legislative work product that seems to be more of a Democratic policy wishlist for every effort than a temporary focused response to the coronavirus."

Fox News' Marisa Schultz and Vandana Rambaran contributed to this report.

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