NY Times laments new poll showing Dems and independents care mostly about economy: ‘Remarkably apathetic’

'Independent voters were far more worried about issues other than democracy,' the report claimed

A New York Times report called American voters "remarkably apathetic" after the paper's latest poll showed that danger to democracy is not the biggest concern going into the midterm elections.

In its latest midterm election report, titled, "Voters See Democracy in Peril, but Saving It Isn’t a Priority," the outlet noted the findings of the latest New York Times/Siena College poll. 

The poll found that a good chunk of independent voters and even some Democrats were willing to vote for 2020 election deniers who they thought would be better for the economy.


A diesel pump displays a sale totaling $192.06 at a gas station Thursday, June 9, 2022, in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer) (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

The outlet stated, "In fact, more than a third of independent voters and a smaller but noteworthy contingent of Democrats said they were open to supporting candidates who reject the legitimacy of the 2020 election, as they assigned greater urgency to their concerns about the economy than to fears about the fate of the country’s political system."

After observing these findings, the report stated, "Voters overwhelmingly believe American democracy is under threat, but seem remarkably apathetic about that danger."

The NY Times/Siena poll showed that among all registered voters, 39% are willing to vote for "candidates who reject 2020 election results." Among that slice, 18% are "very" willing, while 21% are "somewhat."

Among independent voters, 37% said they are willing to vote for election deniers, with 15% saying there are "very" willing. 

The survey found 71% of GOP voters polled claimed they are willing to support election deniers, while only 12% of Democrats said they are. 

The poll prompted pessimism from the outlet, which said, "The doubts about elections that have infected American politics since the 2020 contest show every sign of persisting well into the future." 


Rising inflation is a pressing concern for American voters. (i-stock)

In addition to exposing the voting bloc willing to vote for MAGA Republican candidates, the poll also noted, "Twenty-eight percent of all voters, including 41 percent of Republicans, said they had little to no faith in the accuracy of this year’s midterm elections."

The poll also revealed how deep political disagreements have seeped "into the fabric of everyday life." The Times wrote, "Fourteen percent of voters said political views revealed a lot about whether someone is a good person, while 34 percent said it revealed a little. Nearly one in five said political disagreements had hurt relationships with friends or family."

The most interesting reveal for the Times though was how "Seventy-one percent of all voters said democracy was at risk — but just 7 percent identified that as the most important problem facing the country."

It commented, "These ostensibly conflicting views — that voters could be so deeply suspicious of one another and of the bedrock institutions of American democracy, while also expressing little urgency to address those concerns — may in part reflect longstanding frustrations and cynicism toward government."

Cartoon depicting Biden policies as the biggest factor for high U.S. inflation rate.

According to the paper, these findings "reinforce the idea that for many Americans, this year’s midterm elections will be largely defined by rising inflation and other economic woes."

The Times said, "Democratic voters cited the economy and inflation as their top concerns, prioritizing them over democracy and other issues like abortion access." It added, "Independent voters were far more worried about issues other than democracy, and some were willing to look past candidates’ election-denying stances if their views aligned on other policies."


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