Meena Harris displayed ‘textbook racism’ with assumptions about Boulder shooter: Guy Benson

Kamala Harris' niece blasted for tweet assuming Colorado shooter was White man

Vice President Kamala Harris' niece "displayed textbook racism" by assuming the Boulder, Colorado shooter was a White male, Fox News contributor Guy Benson told "America's Newsroom" on Wednesday, reacting to Meena Harris deleting the tweet that rushed to push her own narrative.


GUY BENSON: "I'm not sure which of those is the worst tweet, frankly, the first one is a rush to judgment. She was not alone by any stretch, as you point out. But notice the correction or the retraction. She says, well, look, I took down that tweet because I was wrong, but here's why I tweeted it.


And part of the reason was she made an assumption about the skin color of a person who committed a crime based on the nature of that crime, which, to me, is textbook racism. I'm not saying that she's a racist person, but that example is textbook racism.

And I would also note that mass shootings, if you go back over the last few decades and I've read studies about this because apparently, unfortunately, this is something that we're talking about, mass shooters tend to align with the overall racial makeup of the U.S. population. So it was a rush to judgment based on assumptions that were at least partially faulty and certainly racial. And that example from Harris' niece is not unique.

I think that we shouldn't obsess or jump to conclusions about a crime or a horrible atrocity based on the race of the person involved. Once the name of this shooter in Boulder was released, some people said, ‘oh, that's a Middle Eastern name. Let's assume X, Y, and Z might be the case.' And now we hear from the guy's family and it appears that he was probably very, very mentally ill.

How did he get his hands on a gun? That's a fair question. But the questions have to start from a point of factual information. That's not what happened in many, many cases this week. And it's an unfortunate pattern in our society right now."


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