Concha slams CNN’s Chris Cuomo for advising brother to fight sex scandal: He’s not an anchor, he’s an activist

People see Chris Cuomo for what he is. A PR extension for his brother in Albany, Concha says

Fox News contributor Joe Concha castigated CNN anchor Chris Cuomo on "America Reports" for acting more like an activist than a news anchor after reports surfaced Thursday he advised his brother, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, to fight sexual harassment allegations.

CONCHA: CNN bills Chris Cuomo as an anchor. Make no mistake, Chris Cuomo is an activist. Not even a pro-opinion partisan host but somebody who is literally advising his brother and told him to be defiant in the situation as far as the sexual harassment allegations are concerned, and to never back down and not resign. I would love to say CNN and the executives are going to take serious issue with this and reprimand Cuomo in some way, shape, or form, but that's not going to happen. You will see him back on the air tonight most likely and there won't be any consequences whatsoever. When in the past, this sort of thing got you fired. Here's the good news for people who may have found Chris Cuomo's interviewing of his brother, if you want to call it that, distasteful. Last year he was riding high from a ratings perspective, he couldn't draw 900,000 viewers in prime time. Just to put that in perspective, Tucker Carlson drew 2 million more viewers than Chris Cuomo last night. So the mighty have fallen and people see Chris Cuomo for what he is. Simply a PR extension for his brother in Albany.

I love that in 2020 CNN had no problem promoting the hell out of every Andrew Cuomo, Chris Cuomo conversation. But once things went south for Andrew Cuomo in terms of $5 million for a book deal at the height of a pandemic literally profiting off the backs of victims, 15,000 in nursing homes for example. Or when those sexual harassment claims came out and CNN said, "Chris can't possibly cover his brother, how do you expect him to be objective?" It wasn’t a problem In April, May and June of 2020. This is why CNN is falling on hard times. I noted it last week. Their prime time ratings are down 65% to 75%. People are leaving in droves. 

Learn more about Governor Cuomo by watching "The Collapse of Cuomo" on Fox Nation.


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