CBS reporter demands senators worried about Dianne Feinstein's cognitive decline come forward 'on the record'

Feinstein's colleagues have previously expressed concerns over her memory and ability to focus

CBS reporter Ed O'Keefe is demanding that lawmakers concerned about the cognitive decline of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., come forward and state so on the record.

In a Thursday morning tweet, O'Keefe reacted to an article by The San Francisco Chronicle reporting that Feinstein's Senate colleagues are worried the 88-year-old senator, who has served nearly 30-years in the Senate, is "mentally unfit to serve."

"At this point, if there are lawmakers so concerned about the cognitive abilities of the senior senator of the nation’s largest state, they should say this on the record. And news outlets should demand they do so, too," O'Keefe tweeted.

CBS reporter Ed O'Keefe demanded in an April 14, 2022 tweet that lawmakers concerned over Sen. Dianne Feinstein's, D-Calif., cognitive ability should go on the record about it. (Screenshot/Twitter)


According to The Chronicle's report, an unnamed Democrat member of Congress from California had to "reintroduce themselves" multiple times during a recent hours-long conversation with Feinstein, despite having had in-depth policy discussions with her over a period of 15 years.

The member claimed Feinstein continuously asked the same questions during the discussion with no apparent recollection that they had already been answered.

The Chronicle reported that four U.S. senators, including three Democrats, as well as former staffers and other members of Congress, all claimed Feinstein's memory was "rapidly deteriorating" and that she could no longer fulfill her job duties.

Other members of Congress defended Feinstein to The Chronicle, noting that she asked "pertinent" questions in committees, attended votes and ran a strong office.

The paper also reported that on Mar. 28, Feinstein said in a statement that she was performing her job well, but declined to be interviewed.

WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 29: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) walks to the Senate Chambers at the U.S. Capitol on September 29, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)


Feinstein's cognitive state has previously come into question when, according to a report, former Democrat California Sen. Barbara Boxer suggested she should step down without specifying a reason. 

Previously, a 2020 article in The New Yorker reported that some of Feinstein's colleagues were concerned about her memory and ability to focus.

Feinstein defended herself at the time, saying, "I work hard. I have good staff. I think I am productive. And I represent the people of California as well as I possibly can."

Fox News' Brie Stimson contributed to this report.

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