Tweets From The Cathedral: Fan Publishing 700-Page Novel One Tweet At A Time

Mario Vargas Llosa poses for the photographers at the Zarzuela Palace on May 11, 2011 in Madrid, Spain. (Getty Images)

Put him or her down as possibly the biggest – or perhaps most patient – fan of Peruvian Nobel Prize-winning author Mario Vargas Llosa.

The anonymous follower of the renowned writer is on a years-long mission to republish one of Vargas Llosa's best-known works, "Conversation in The Cathedral."

What makes the task particularly unique is that he or she is doing it on Twitter, 140 characters at a time. The goal is to get it done one page a day, estimating the lengthy tome, at more than 700 pages, will take at least a couple of years.

Originally published in 1969, Vargas Llosa once said it was the book that demanded him the most.

"If I had to save one [of my novels] from the fire, this would be it,” he said.

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The novel is a portrayal of Peru under the dictatorship of Manuel Odría in the 1950s, and deals with the lives of characters from different social strata.

It took three tweets, in Spanish, to cover for @enlacatedral the opening sentence of the lengthy tome: "From the doorway of La Cronica Santiago looks at Tacna Avenida, loveless: cars, uneven buildings and discolored skeletons of neon signs floating in the mist, the gray midday. When exactly had Peru f*** itself up?

Contacted via Twitter by El Comercio, a Peruvian daily, the creator of the account said his or her only interest "is to review this magnificent work via Twitter," an adventure that started on Jan. 15.

"Splitting the work in tweets one rediscovers the beauty of several lines, phrases and moments. That’s why I do it, it allows me to enjoy it all over again, and if it can do the same for others in real time, even better,” the anonymous fan told the newspaper.

This initiative brings up similar experiences produced in recent years. In 2009, a group of Twitter users in Mexico launched a collaborative "novel" consisting of 10 chapters of 140 characters each.

As of Friday, @enlacatedral had 1,464 followers and ― and quickly growing.

The creator of the account remains enthusiastic about this project, telling El Comercio: "I'll get to the last page."

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