The United States of Screams: Survey Finds Each State's Favorite Scary Movie


Really, America? "Hocus Pocus"? The 1993 family film from Walt Disney Pictures? This is our favorite scary movie?

Listen, there's nothing wrong with "Hocus Pocus"; it's fine family entertainment. It's just not scary. In fact, any movie that can be shown regularly on the Disney Channel — unedited, uncensored, and in its entirety — can't really be classified as a "horror" film.

But alas, the fantasy/comedy about three bumbling witches was the overwhelming favorite in Influenster's new survey of our favorite scary movies, winning over more states (12) and earning more votes, in total, than any other film. (It's almost as if we've never even seen "The Shining"!)

For the record, "Hocus Pocus" was the only family-friendly film in the bunch. In terms of overall votes, "The Conjuring" and "Insidious" came in second and third (because Patrick Wilson is America's new master of horror), and things only got freakier and gorier from there.

Have a look at the rest of Influenster's findings in the map below (or ). Then afterward, cast a vote for your favorite frightening flick in our poll, which purposefully has no option to vote for "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" or "Pooh's Heffalump Halloween." Deal with it, America.