Olympian Beauty Secrets Revealed


Kerri Walsh-Jennings is a big fan of Dr. Murad’s Transforming Skincare, saying the company makes “amazing products for all ages.” The two-time Olympic gold medalist and London gold medal contender sticks to the Radically Radiant Collection, which claims to help fade sun spots and "restore moisture and radiance to environmentally damaged skin." On days she’s not working out, Walsh told us she wears Laura Mercier's Tinted Moisturizer. “It just makes me feel youthful and vibrant.” And for grooming her itsy bitsy bikini line? She prefers lasers, not razors. "I'm so happy they have that invention," she said. (Reuters)

This 2008 gold medalist swears by Old Spice deodorant and Dolce & Gabbana cologne. (Reuters)

“My favorite is Neutrogena Sheer Sunscreen SPF 30,” says the 2008 gold medal winner. “It keeps my skin protected from the sun, especially because we spend so many hours outdoors.”  Francia's other beauty secret? “I also like Bath & Body Works Vanilla Body Scrub to exfoliate my skin and keep it pretty and smelling nice!” (Reuters)

"I like to keep it pretty simple," says four-time Olympic medal winner Summer Sanders. "I’m a big fan of Maybelline Great Lash Mascara and Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler for my eyes, and a combination of my Clarisonic face washer and moisturizer for my face." Now a correspondent at the Olympics, Sanders told us that if she could go back in time, she would be more conscious of using moisturizer when she was younger. "It's really important to my routine now." The Olympic veteran's biggest beauty secret might be her healthy lifestyle. "Even though I love these products, I still believe the best formula for a great beauty and grooming regimen is a combination of exercise, hydration and a good night’s sleep," she says. "I know if I manage to do all three of those things each day, I’m going to look and feel great!" (Reuters)

"I like Bed Head for my hair!" the 2008 Olympic silver medalist says. "(It) helps to shape it up nicely and keep it in place through my busy days of training and working out." (Reuters)

The 12-time Olympic medalist says she likes WEN hair products. "My hair gets really damaged by the chlorine in the pool and these products keep my hair really conditioned," says Torres. "I love them!" She also uses Bengay Zero Degrees to keep her muscles working fluidly during her workouts, as well as AmLactin Moisturizing Body Lotion to keep her skin hydrated. "The chlorine from the pool can really dry out your skin," says the swimmer, "and this is really the only lotion I found that keeps me moisturized." (Reuters)

“My favorite beauty product is a moisturizer from Aveeno,” Whipple says. “Their Smart Essentials Daily Moisturizer with SPF 30 helps my skin to stay young-looking.”  The two-time medalist said she pairs her daily moisturizer with Aveeno's Smart Essentials night cream to repair her skin. “My skin gets so dry and wrecked by being outside all day.” (Reuters)