New App Shows What Your Drinking Habit Will Do To Your Looks

We all know that excessive drinking is bad for our bodies, but do we ever stop to think about what it will do to our looks? Apparently, the Scottish government is very concerned.

The country's health officials are utilizing a novelty Android app called Drinking Mirror to urge Scottish women to cut back on their wine intake. Created as part of an anti-drinking campaign, Drinking Mirror shows alcohol drinkers what they can expect to look like in 10 years if they continue to imbibe at their current rates. Females simply take a picture of their own faces with their mobile phones, input the number of alcoholic beverages they regularly consume per week, and watch as their pictures morph into hardened, uglier versions of themselves. (A web version of the app can be found here.)

Drinking Mirror works for men too, but seeing as alcohol-related deaths and cases of cirrhosis are on the rise among Scotland's women, the current health campaign is aimed squarely at them.

Who knew Scottish wine was so good?