Make It Work: Old School Tile In the Bathroom


Go ahead. Hang photos and paintings in the bathroom. Get a punchy shower curtain. Giving yourself something else to look at takes some of the attention away from the tile and makes everything a little more modern. Okay, so your tile bath may only aspire to this kind of lighting or proportions, but you can still recreate the vintagey, hanging-photos look. The Irish Country House via The Adventures of Tartanscot. (

If you're feeling a little more daring (and your landlord will let you), the next step to really working the old school tile is to paint your bathroom. You can choose a color that complements the tile — above, black blends seamlessly with the accent tiles in this DC apartment, while also adding a little bit of dark drama. (

This is the go-to option if you are really bold. And probably you own your place. It's not a quick fix, by any stretch, but it's a good one. The thing about the pink tile (or any other kind of vintage tile) is that it's so attention-getting. 'Look at me! I am pink tile!' Once you've added a really great wallpaper, that's all anybody will be looking at. This eye-popping wallpaper (seen in a bathroom from The Glitter Guide) steals the show. (