In the FOXlight: Fitness Guru Shaun T on His Newest 'Insanity' Workout

Even if you're not a fitness buff, you're probably familiar with personal trainer Shaun T and his intense "Hip-Hop Abs," "Insanity," and "Focus T25" workouts.

Now, he's back with a completely new program called "Insanity MAX: 30," and he was ready to put FOX's Michael Tammero to the test with a few of his fat-blasting, muscle-building moves.

But don't be intimidated — Shaun is all about bringing some excitement to his exercise routines. "Working out doesn't have to be too crazy … even though you made it look crazy," he tells Tammero in the video above. "It just has to be fun, and a few minutes of your life!"

Watch the segment above to hear more of Shaun's fitness philosophy, and be sure to check out one of his "Shaunterventions" when it comes to a city near you!