Graffiti Nail Art Tutorial by Naomi Yasuda


The biggest mistake made by nail art novices, Yasuda says, is to skip the clear top and base coat. Make sure to do two coats of your main color before adding any designs. If you really want your art to last, use a gel nail set as your base. (BellaSugar)

To create a splattered graffiti look, Yasuda used an old toothbrush. Pour your paint on a piece of foil and dip the brush in it. Make sure to dab away any excess so that the color goes on evenly. (BellaSugar)

Continue to layer more colors on top of the first. (Make sure to clean off the toothbrush between polishes.) No need to wait for the layers to dry — the messier the mix, the better. (BellaSugar)

If you don't have an orange stick in your DIY manicure kit, reach for a Q-tip or toothpick wrapped in cotton to clean up excess polish at the cuticles. (BellaSugar)

For this project, you'll need a variety of nail polish colors and a toothbrush. Old, used toothbrushes work best because the bristles are softer and more spread out. (BellaSugar)