Going Bananas for DestapaBananas

Argentine inventor Sebastián Berger's DestapaBanana removes a cylindrical piece within the banana while leaving the peel intact.  (DestapaBanana.com)

The device creates a hole that can be filled with any number of things, such as chocolate and yogurt. Though Berger thinks dulce de leche will be a popular choice. (DestapaBanana.com)

Berger imagines the DestapaBanana being used in homes and businesses where bananas would be filled with "various gourmet fillings characteristic of each country, in addition to the dulce de leche." (DestapaBanana.com)

DestapaBanana is really no less natural than what we already do to fruit – think, chocobananos, caramel apples and drunken watermelons. (DestapaBananes.com)