Day of the Dead at Feria del Alfenique

Fair vendors shape pumpkin seed candy into various pastries, fruits and animals. (Ruth Samuelson)

These lambs are composed of the fair's signature candy, alfeñique, a sugar and almond oil mixture. (Ruth Samuelson)

Miriam Torres Martínez stands with her daughter at their stall at the Feria del Alfeñique in Toluca. (Ruth Samuelson)

Alfeñique animals, skeletons and coffins are amongst the fair's most popular offerings. (Ruth Samuelson)

Julio Gomez Gúia, a vendor from Michoacán state, stands amongst the calavera sculptures he makes. His biggest one costs roughly $112. (Ruth Samuelson)

One of the most traditional Day of the Dead sweets, skulls of amaranth seeds are harder to find these days at the fair. (Ruth Samuelson)