Catch Fire Like Katniss: 20-Minute 'Hunger Games' Workout


Stay strong like Beetee with challenging resistance-band bicep curls. Stepping on the resistance band with both feet so that the handles are even on either side, stand up tall. Keep a soft bend in the knees, abdominals drawing in. Starting with your arms alongside your body, palms facing forward, curl your hands to your shoulders. Control them down as you release your hands back to starting position. (New York Sports Club)

Pretend you're holding Finnick's fierce trident while you perform this move. Stepping on the resistance band with one foot, grab the opposite end of the band with the same-side hand. Start with your upper arm and elbow lengthened up to the ceiling behind your head and your hand close to the middle of your shoulder blades. Try to keep your elbow where it is as you extend your arm straight and squeeze your triceps. (New York Sports Club)

This President Snow-worthy move will help you stand tall. Stepping oto the resistance band with one foot, assume a split stance (one foot forward, one foot back, bending your front knee and lengthening through the back leg). Hinge forward from the hips so that your back makes a nearly 45-degree angle between the floor and ceiling. Keep the torso square, and pull the working elbow up, back, and in toward the midline while squeezing that shoulder blade inward, closer to the middle of the back. Release your arm, with control, back to starting position. (New York Sports Club)

Pushing on a wall — so much like trying to find a weak spot in the forcefield. Facing a wall, find a plank position, placing your hands about a foot's distance away from the wall (adjust as needed). Keep the hips and shoulders in line, abs in tight, and raise one arm straight out in front of you. Press that hand into the wall, and squeeze/firm your abs for 10 seconds. Return your hand back down to plank position, and then repeat on the other side. (Reuters)

If you don't have a box, bench or other stable surface to jump on, skip this move. Starting with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing straight forward, take a small squat by bending the knees, and then push off the floor and jump to land in a small squat on the bench. Press into the feet and jump off the same way, returning to starting position. Make sure to land softly, with bent knees, and to get your whole foot on the box. (New York Sports Club)

If a box/step/bench is unavailable, this is a great alternative for building endurance and agility. Place the resistance band on the floor as a marker. Starting with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing straight forward, take a small squat by bending the knees, and then push off of the floor and jump to land in a small squat on the other side of the band. Press into the feet and jump back over the band in the opposite direction, returning to starting position. This can be executed laterally side to side (top photos) and/or back to front (bottom photos). (New York Sports Club)