Cameron Diaz Shares TMI in Horribly Awkward 'Dr. Oz' Digestion Segment


In her recent quest to become something of a healthy living expert/body grooming guru, Cameron Diaz went on "Dr. Oz" to talk about going to the bathroom.

The 41-year-old actress and author of "The Body Book" was a guest on Wednesday's program, appearing in a segment centered on digestion, regularity, and, well, you know. In it, Diaz and Oz shared their surefire method for healthy digestion with the studio audience and millions of viewers at home.

Ominously tapping the side of a water bottle as he spoke, Oz matter-of-factly told Diaz, "This is the best way for me to go ... in the morning." It was a sentiment that Diaz shared, seeing as she confessed not only to drinking water, but also to taking a bathroom break before the segment began.

"What I found was that it just completely wakes up my digestive tract … hydrates everything that's inside of it, and just helps you push it right on out," she added.

And that's when the show got really weird.

Oz brought Diaz over to a table of clay molds depicting the seven models from the Bristol Stool Scale. He started explaining each, and began dropping them into a container of water (to demonstrate the sounds they might make) as tips from Diaz's way-more-than-you-wanted-to-know "better body tips" flashed across the screen.

Oz then stepped up to the healthiest of the molds and dubbed it "the piece de resistance" while Cameron noted that the specimen looked "very, very familiar" to her.

In the end, we all learned a little too much about Cameron Diaz and her bathroom habits. But, you know, good for her for being able to share this helpful information with those who need it.

After all, somebody's gotta do it. Or not.